by Smosher Taylor

This blog will remain up for anyone who wants to read my old fanfiction. Sorry to disappoint, but I will not continue writing. I have moved on from my smosher days and lack the motivation.

Thank you to everyone and anyone who has ever read my stories. Writing has helped me a lot and I’ve even made some of my best friends through it.

Thanks to Abby who introduced me to the world of fanfiction and inspired me to write my own.

Thank you to Emma, who introduced me to the two men who call themselves Smosh in the first place.

Thank you to Aoife, Shay, and Diandra for building my love for writing even stronger, and just being my friend.

Thanks to Tori for being a pushy little asshat, sorry to disappoint you.

Thank you to those douche bags Ian and Anthony, who were quite obviously the main inspiration here.

And thank you to everyone who has ever supported me in doing this. It’s been really great.

So this is it, I guess. If you still want to keep in contact with me my information can be found in the contact page up at the top.

Thanks for everything, guys. See you later.


May 2011-February 2012